allergy MTCHAcupuncture has been very effective in the treatment and prevention of allergy syndrome that so many people suffer, usually in the spring, some also in autumn, and other, less, but no less worrisome, throughout the year. Complications from the disease are, Nasal Congestion, lagrimeo, rinorrea, asthma, the, eccema, etc.…

The problem, addition to the unpleasant symptoms, is that prescribed by conventional medicine treatment includes the use of antihistamines, the corticosteroid inhalers, which, depress immune system function and they can cause drowsiness and loss or decreased libido.

Allergic field, according to differentiation of syndromes of Traditional Chinese Medicine (MTC) corresponds to two movements or elements, wood and metal, which are affected, especially in spring and autumn, respectively. The organs and viscera associated to such movements, are coupled Liver and viscera, Gallbladder, and coupled Lung and viscera, Large Intestine. However, should be studied in each case, The origin and extent, evolution and symptomatic after an interview with the patient and diagnosis by pulse and tongue appearance, establish treatment in each case, since in the MTC, various diseases are treated in the same manner and the same conditions, are treated differently, depending on their origin or etiology. Turn, natural supplements will recommend necessary, if, to complement the treatment, tested kinesiológicamente.

Recall that the traditional and natural medicines, preventive medicines are, so you should begin treatment sessions for allergies, prior to the station in which manifest. Course, once it is suffering, can begin treatment, but it is well known that prevention is better than cure, so that, if spring suffer, you should ideally begin in mid-winter, if in autumn, in the summer, end of summer, etc.…

Course, We are aware that the MTC is not infallible, as is the case with allopathic or conventional medicine, but what we can say is that no side effects.