have reflexology-foot

Reflexology or zone therapy is the practice of stimulating points on feet, hands, and ears (called reflex zones), based on the belief that such stimulation will have a beneficial effect on other parts of the body, or will improve general health.

The most common form is foot reflexology. The foot reflexologist applies pressure on the foot of a person, which is reportedly divided into a number of reflex zones corresponding to all parts of the body.

According to proponents of this alternative therapy, reflexology comes just over 4000 years old, in ancient cultures such as the Egyptians and the Chinese, Hipócrates o los Incas, but there is no evidence of this antiquity.

Reflexology falls within the so-called alternative therapies in the field of natural medicine. Its therapeutic use is based on the application of specific massage points, zones and reflex areas of the feet, to achieve stability, not only physical, but also emotional and spiritual human being, namely: his HEALING.

The disease is installed on the physical body after an energy imbalance at senior levels, in our soul. This lack of harmony is the ultimate form that uses our souls to make us see that we are not following our Interior Camino, our evolution, those lessons we have come to learn in this life.

The origin of the disease is therefore in ourselves. Hence, the real solution (no "patches" to heal our physical body, and sometimes not even that….) also find, solely on us, in working with our soul. Healing involves a change of attitude towards life, awakening to a new consciousness with the necessary humility to accept our mistakes and work on them to transform them into lessons learned.

Therefore we say that we Reflexology is a holistic therapy that treats the person as a whole (It goes beyond the physical, is routed to the root of the problem) to help unlock energy knots that keep you from being in contact with their share of light, with his soul, redirect this energy and using it in your own healing process.

In the practice of reflexology, when working with the Heart, feel the soul of that person, his Being. Feet (great works of art) experiences are reflected deep, sometimes even very distant (as the intra-uterine), they will gradually shaping what we are now and how we act and understand life.

Each session becomes sacred and live with a deep respect for touching the feet of a person is to embrace your soul. The therapist also knows she is not alone and he is just a vehicle, a channel between the Cosmic Energy Healing and the person connecting.

A reflexology session is a Gift of Love.