
For about 40 years old, Robert St. John developed from Reflexology, this innovative therapy. Investigating maps the reflex points of the feet, It concluded that in some areas, generally along the inner lateral side of the foot (which correspond to the spine), the effects of therapy were not only of a physical nature but were also emotional and psychological.

Following its investigation, this area was associated with Prenatal Scheme (figura 1º). He noted that from the moment of conception, el Zigoto (cell resulting from the sperm-egg fusion) grew in longitudinal direction (céfalo-caudal) and so established his correspondence with the spine. Found that all the events he produced during pregnancy, were registered to the same and work the reflexes, corresponding to the spine, unlocking that benefited patients with emotional problems occurred. If the assumed, any external stimulus during pregnancy can affect the fetus or mental fitness. For example: a fear of the unconscious conscious, a state of anxiety of the mother, can then produce a series of dysfunctions in child, established patterns of behavior that may persist throughout life.


His practice is very simple. It consists of making a few passes with the fingers, on the inner side face of the foot, from the top of the big toe, at the corner of the nail, to heel and back. Occasionally, upon arrival at heel, surrounds the instep to pass through the outer bone of ankle and back to regain the heel. The operation is repeated on the other foot.

In this tour, the practitioner stimulates the pineal gland, in the upper corner of the nail. The pituitary gland, bottom corner of the nail. The Point Conception, located on the 1st joint of the big toe and also corresponds to the 1st cervical vertebra. Following his tour of arch, pacify several phases del Prenatal Scheme , to the point of Animation, in the center of the arc, located between the internal cuneiform bone and navicular. Finally, reaches the heel and there until the insertion of the Achilles tendon, where is located the point of Birth.

Hands in the procedure is the same. It starts at the top corner of the thumbnail, down the outside of, up to the wrist and return to the top of the thumb begins. Occasionally, around the wrist and repeated the tour. Perform the same operation on the other hand.

Head, the practitioner stands behind the patient sitting. With both hands, alternándolas, begins a journey that starts at the top of the head, in the fontanela, and reaches the base of the skull using a central line. Occasionally, follows a path from the mastoid bone, passing behind the ears and along the occipital ridge, to central skull base, where you will find both hands. This movement must be especially soft and the head is very sensitive. Also in this case silence is recommended, so that the patient can concentrate more on your feelings. Not so for the feet and hands where we can speak freely, listen to music, etc.. without interfering at all this attitude.

The recommended duration would: Approximately twenty minutes for each foot, ten minutes to each hand and five to ten minutes to head.

The frequency would be recommended from a weekly session(feet, hands and head). However, both the duration and frequency, left to the discretion of each individual and their needs in times of crisis. If not possible a full session, is advisable to practice only in both feet.

The effects produced are different for each patient. Sometimes, these are immediate, noticing improvement both physically and emotionally. In other cases, occur gradually and affect even the environment of this person.

Thus, applying the Metamorphic Technique on feet, hands and head, unlock and will balance the vital energy, promoting the principle of self-healing that all living beings possess. Here lies the great difference to other therapies. The therapist observed at all times two fundamental principles: 1º The intention, 2º No implication.

With the distance, the therapist gets the energy to flow to where it's most needed, without asking any questions. Not so much the disease, the possibility that the patient becomes aware of the problem that caused. This way you get to understanding and acceptance, and therefore, balance that will give way to healing.

The practitioner is only a catalyst. The land that welcomes the seed, It is most suitable example for explaining the function of the Metamorphic Technique. The moisture, and at the right temperature, particle allows it looked dry and lifeless, germinate and reborn by herself, through its life force. Metamorphosis means transformation and this is what happens when our energy flows freely.

We're working outside Time and Space. For from this we can change the past. The moment of conception is always this moment, the here and now.


Its simplicity makes the practice accessible to any person. No matter at all that the practitioner is aware of this action. Maybe, even be desirable, because then the greater your detachment. It is especially recommended for people with disabilities both physical and psychic (cerebral palsy, autism, Dawn syndrome, etc.). Also in depressive, Phobias, emotional disorders…

Children are very sensitive to this therapy, being its more obvious effects. In cases of hyperactivity has been proven effective. We leave it to them to mark the patterns of frequency and duration of practice.

In terminally ill, help acceptance of transit are about to embark. The image of the Metamorphosis is the worm that turns into a butterfly; is the liberation of the spirit leaving its wrapper on earth. It is the birth of a new reality.

In any case, the Metamorphic Technique, provides a state of relaxation and well-being that leads to equilibrium, so its practical application and is recommended for anyone.

But, all treatments, the most exciting is the recipient of the pregnant woman. The Metamorphic Technique establishes a deeper binding loop between the mother and the new being. The transformation is set on two levels, but the result is the Unit. Mother consciousness is reinforced and hence the communication is complete. Not surprisingly the Prenatal Scheme, the sea it "navigation map" of every human being, is the foundation on which rests the Metamorphic Technique.