
Ayurvedic Massages act both physically and mentally, allowing regeneration of all body systems. Receive Ayurvedic massage regularly, releases muscle tension, restores agility to stiff joints and stops premature aging. The physical level, helps body systems: immune, the digestive and lymphatic. A mental level, helps to control and relax the mind. Massage helps to feel young, vital, attractive and healthy.

The aim of Ayurvedic massage is to balance energies within the body and therefore it is essential to study the concept of particular constitution or Prakruti. To achieve this balance Ayurvedic massage uses various substances. There are also different types of massage, which vary according to the need of the patient and the condition being treated. Ayurvedic Massages act both physically and mentally, allowing regeneration of all body systems.

The aim of Ayurvedic massage is to balance energies within the body and therefore it is essential to study the concept of particular constitution or Prakruti. To achieve this balance Ayurvedic massage uses various natural substances and pure as possible.

In Ayurveda there are several types of massages. One of the most used is the Abhyanga massage. The word from the Sanskrit root Abhyangaderiva abhyanj (abhi anj), that means spread the anointing. Of all the sense organs sensory organ of touch is the most pervasive and is inseparably associated with the mind. Hence the effect of massage (Abhyanga) not only to control the dosha (typology of the person receiving the massage), it also has an effect on the mind. The Abhyanga massage is excellent for muscle problems, to boost defenses, nurture, strengthen the body, pain, dryness and Vata dosha disorders.

This massage oil, acts at several levels to minimize the aging process. Using oil on the skin we are lubricating, hidratando, protecting and helping to detoxify and rejuvenate the skin, calming the nervous system and the glandular system.

Oil and movements that help eliminate toxins, we relax and we stimulate our lymphatic system, lymphatic drainage system including. This massage (as all massages) helps us relax and combat stress, unfortunately, so common and present in society today. We therefore helps to create balance, balance and harmonize, which are the foundations of the inner and outer beauty. In India it is considered that the Abhyanga massage is very important to stay young and protect the skin.

Oils tu Dosha:

Wool This dosha have dry skin and cold constitution. It is important that the oil is warm. The oil massage is especially beneficial for this dosha. Sesame oil is ideal. It can be mixed with essential oils of ginger and eucalyptus.

Pitta This dosha has a fast metabolism. The skin is very sensitive and ready to ignite or experience itching. Coconut oil is best for pitta. It can be mixed with essential oils of lavender or jasmine.

Kapha This dosha has oily skin. Massage is beneficial because it helps detoxify and stimulates circulation. Due to the skin type is preferable not to use oil (especially in the face). You can also use a little oil mixed with a special essential oil for oily skin. Among the essential oils that can be used are: basil, eucalipto o jengibre.