
This technique destroys localized cellulite, fats that are not removed by diet and exercise and get a significant reduction in volume. Your only risk: slight hematoma.

The electrolipolysis is a technique that involves the application of a micro-current. This method gives very good results for cellulite discrete end-cartridge, thighs, hips and belly- and to obtain a significant reduction in body volume.


The current is applied to the body is called microcurrent-power variable frequency and low-intensity and low-nanosecond pulse duration. The electrolipolysis is a method according to the application electrode, may be included within the field of cosmetic surgery or within the conventional aesthetic. The electrolipolysis also called celuloliposis.

THE APPLICATION OF Electrolipolysis

The electrolipolysis involves the application of very thin needles (single use), similar to those used in acupuncture, that are inserted into the fatty tissue hypertrophied. Through these needles is passed a current of low intensity and low frequency generates contractions in subcutaneous connective tissue fibrils. These contractions cause fat cells or adipocytes become more permeable and eliminate the fats inside. Later this fat will be eliminated through the urine so it is important that the patient ingest water during treatment to help eliminate those fatty deposits.

Electrolipolysis significantly increases the activity and cell renewal, improves local circulation and encourages the production of certain hormones that are related to the elimination of toxins and waste items. This treatment also tissues are toned and nourished improving its elasticity and texture.

Treatment is much more effective if complemented by further drainage methods that address these wastes to organic body filters, so the end of it we make a manual lymph drainage accompanied with application of aromatherapy (essential oil draining and firming) and finally applying a cold gel or a light massage is done with vinoterapia (to choose between Ambos), being its properties help skin recover, toning and moisturizing, provide greater consistency to the muscles in general and greater firmness.

It is desirable, besides drinking water before and after treatment, moderate exercise to help stimulate the circulation in the area and therefore, faster removal of fatty residues.


The technique itself is very simple and does not require prior application schemas. The current application electrodes are applied to the treatment area by creating a magnetic field in which there is an active board and other passive. The higher number of plates, greater is the effect achieved and thus the greater the oxidation of fat. It is important that the plates do not contact one another.

The intensity of the current will depend on the sensitivity of the patient. Treatment usually starts with a lower-middle, gradually increasing as the sessions happen in order to strength the body gets used. Each session lasts 45 a 60 minutes total.

The technique is painless.


On average they require around 10 sessions on a weekly basis. The result you start looking after the fourth session according to the characteristics of the person. You need during and after treatment healthy eating habits and practicing a sport at least twice a week.

The results depend largely on the age and quality cellulite tissue. In terms of volume, the average is a loss of 2 cm to 5 cm in the hip measurement and 3 a 4 cm thighs. Regarding the weight, it is normal to lose an average of 4 a 5 kilos.

Once completed sessions, treatment effect continues, it seems that cells remember the process they have undergone. This is important because the patient undergoing electrolipolysis Slimline after finalizing it gets the body as a whole is balanced.


The electrolipolysis is not indicated in adolescents, pregnant or overweight. Nor should you use this technique in patients with epilepsy, with pacemakers or suffer any heart disease. It should also be avoided in cases of phlebitis, thrombosis or embolism and inflamed areas of skin or pimples.

BENEFITS OF Electrolipolysis.

  • Destruction of localized fat. (Fat-burning effect).
  • Toning skin structure. (Effect of electro-mechanical).
  • Check it body volume. (Efecto Joule).
  • Improved circulation processes and elimination of toxins

This technique indicated to begin in the spring and lose, before summer, greasers that accumulated in certain areas and a better definition of our silhouette, although it can be applied at any time of year.